TRACTION "2piece FISH BoarderSlit"
■Technology SquareGlid Design
One of the features of "Syndicate Traction Pad" is diamond grid lock which was developed independently to facilitate hard riding · · · convexity of ◇ type structure applied equally to the entire deck. This unique shape greatly improves the grip force, making easier high air with higher difficulty maneuver & speed.
「Syndicate Traction Pad」の特徴の1つがハードなライディングを容易にするために、独自に開発されたダイアモンドグリッドロック・・・・デッキ全面に等間隔に施された◇型構造の凸起。この独自の形状によりグリップ力は格段に向上して、より難易度の高いマニューバー&スピードにのった高いエアーを容易にしました。
■Traction KickTail Info
"KickTail" kick tail shape which is equipped so as to be stronger and surely kick the tail during riding and dolphin thru is designed individually in each model and develops various variations according to the riding style I will.
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